Thursday, August 26, 2010

The End Of The Line

It's time to draw Level Crossing News to a close. I no longer have the time to keep the site up-to-date, which rather defeats its purpose. I'll keep the site posted for reference purposes but won't be able to answer emails or post comments.

2010 has been a testing time for level crossing safety in the UK. Incidents such as Moreton-on-Lugg and Little Cornard show that there are still huge steps to be taken in risk reduction by both the rail industry and the general public.

My walk to work takes me across one of the most abused crossings in England, the CCTV full-barrier crossing at Spondon in Derbyshire. I see an average of four instances a week of motor vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians ignoring the lights. In recent weeks, with local road works diverting more traffic over the crossing, there have been several incidents involving road vehicles striking the barriers. The arrogance and ignorance on display never ceases to amaze me.

To keep up-to-date with level crossing news from around the world, I strongly recommend visiting the excellent sites run by John Tilly and Dr Unbewachter von Eisenbahn-Übergang. It's also well worth subscribing to the Google Alerts service for level/railway crossing related news and blog updates.

Thank you for your interest and support.

Simon Johnson
August 2010


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